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Mangopack, has been established in Tecate, Baja California, Mexico, since 2008. We are processors of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as mango, melon, watermelon, kiwi, coconut, pineapple, papaya, butternut squash, and others, with sales presence in the US, Canada, Japan, England, Spain and Morocco.

Since our creation, Mangopack has concentrated its efforts on developing a solid, vertical and sustainable supply system as members of the community. Through these relationships we are able to secure supplies of raw materials directly from the orchards which, together with our sophisticated production systems, allows us to guarantee the needs of our customers, offering the best quality 365 days a year.


Our Team

Mangopack is family- owned and operated. The team consists of Manuel Rivera, CEO and father, Edgardo Rivera, Israel Rivera and Claudia Cariño.

What started as a job for Manuel, quickly grew into a passion that has engulfed the family and created a business built with love, pride and a bit of arguments (like any good family business). We take pridein our products, our facilities and
team members, some whom have become extensions of the family as well.

Manuel Rivera


Edgardo Rivera

Is in charge of all administrative and accounting duties.

Israel Rivera

Oversees all operations and production processes.

Claudia Cariño

Handles all Compliance, QA/QC for all the divisions.

© Mangopack 2023

All rights reserved

Mangopack Mexico

+52 (665) 521 121 7805

Mangopack Morocco +212 (664) 589 396

Mangopack Group    

+1 (619) 758 5109

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